Wednesday, August 3, 2011

No Tears Shed For This Death

Mississippi Ku Klux Klansman James Ford Seale killed two black men, Henry Hezekiah Dee and Charles Eddie Moore in 1964, but did not go to prison despite his 1964 arrest with his accomplice, Charles Marcus Edwards,  until 2007.  The 1964 charges were dropped because local law enforcement officers were in collusion with the Klan, but the case was reopened in 2005.  Charles Marcus Edwards, being just as much of a coward as his murdering, racist partner gave up Seale and was granted immunity for the kidnapping and murder of these two teenagers.
While Edwards did not deserve immunity, in a perfect world, the racism that brought about the murder of these two young men would not exist.  Obviously, it is not a perfect world.  
Seale was 76 when he died yesterday.  His victims died when they were both 19.  I am never happy to hear about anyone's death, even someone so full of hate, but I am happy that Seale died in prison, serving his late, but well-earned three life sentence term after being convicted in 2007.  I am not sorry he is dead, but I am sorry he ever lived. 

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